Key Stage One traditional pancake day.

We had a great start to the second half of the term with a belated pancake day. We had an absolute blast making, eating and tossing pancakes. I am not going to tell you anymore about the day as the children are going to write their own account of what they got up to but have a look at some of the pictures for the day.

Computer programming

Today class Spain had the ipads and laptops. We had to choose actions and  put them into blocks. This made a set of instructions called algorithms. If we had the right instructions then the plane would take off.

by Bella


Feeling Christmassy.

We are really starting to feel the Christmas spirit. We all enjoyed the visiting panto that had us in stitches. The children thought it was particularly funny when the teachers were called on upon during the performance.

We also braved the freezing conditions to walk to the church for a wonderful service. Class Spain performed ‘ O little town of Bethlehem’ beautifully and with so much confidence.

Park Improvement

This week we have been looking at our local area to see how we would like to improve it if we could. We spent sometime making observations at the PAV and then we talked about all the good things we saw and also all the things we would change or improve.